Omega-3 DHA – Necessary and Important Throughout All Stages of Life.
The importance of Omega-3 fatty acids in our diet is often misunderstood and ignored.
This has resulted in an ever-increasing surge of preventable illnesses and health concerns that are directly attributed by a lack of these essential fatty acids. The modern diet is overloaded with Omega 6, yet very deficient in the Omega-3s that are necessary for nourishing and nurturing every cell in our body.
Starting a Family
Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), are known to have a positive impact on fertility and conception and are incredibly important when trying to start a family. They are known to enhance reproductive potential by improving egg quality and helping to strengthen the sperm’s formation, viability and activity.
It has been shown in numerous studies that an adequate intake of Omega-3s reduces the risk of preterm delivery. During pregnancy, these vital fatty acids are crucial for the health of both mother and baby as the neurodevelopment and health of the foetus is positively affected when an adequate DHA level is present in the blood.
As the Child Grows
At a very young age, it has been shown that Omega-3 DHA is responsible for early brain and visual development. Studies have found that consumption of Omega-3, particularly DHA, by school-aged children may enhance cognitive performance, especially in those who habitually
consume diets low in Omega-3. The improvements relate to cognitive outcomes, such as memory, processing speed, visual-perception, attention, reading, and spelling skills.
Other studies recorded dramatic child behavioural improvements in disorders such as ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia were achieved, when a supplement of Omega-3 DHA was introduced.
Teenage Years
Once a child enters adolescence, the need for Omega-3 can be even more notable as the body makes many physiological and hormonal adjustments that come with puberty. Mental health issues that are attributed to peer pressures, education stresses and other factors can be minimalised and balanced with a good supply of Omega-3s.
Embracing Middle Age and the Twilight Years
Many health complaints that arise as we get older can be addressed with, once again, Omega-3 fatty acids. One of the most common complaints is arthritis. Studies have shown that taking omega-3 supplements can help, to a good extent, reduce joint pain and stiffness. Regular intake or usage of a quality supplement can help counter issues related to osteoporosis, making bones stronger and helping reduce the brittleness of the bones.
No need to forget how old you are or what you came in to the room to get, as Omega-3 DHA is one of the best supplements we can take to keep the memory strong and maintain mental clarity.
Quality is the Key
There are numerous Omega-3 supplements on the market and many will not perform very well, so it is important that you purchase a product that will give you the results you are after. Don’t be fooled by inadequate serving sizes that only make a product look more economical. Make sure you are buying from an honest supplier who understands their product, respects your health and offers plenty of information on their website.