megaOmega® Algae Oil provides a natural, perfectly balanced supply of DHA and EPA that meets your body’s needs. The Omega-3 ratios in wild strain algae are more similar to the Omega-3 ratios of the human body and less similar to the Omega-3 rations of fish.
However, some algae oil producers have spent millions of dollars to modify their algae to create an oil that has a DHA/EPA ratio similar to those found in most fish oils, which appears to have been purely for marketing purposes – as there is no nutritional reason to have a high EPA level.
Products that have a high EPA level, nearly or equal to half the DHA level, most likely have been produced with an algae that has been modified.
megaOmega® Algae Oil is the only GENUINE, unmodified algae product that provides a REAL honest alternative to fish oil, without trying to be like fish oil.