Know the Tricks of the Trade so you can Avoid being Conned
It’s all a Confidence Game. The art of conniving has reached another level, especially when it comes to natural health products and the many ways a Con Artist plays the game:
- Conspire to fool.
- Conceal the truth.
- Confuse the customer.
- Conjure up falsehoods.
- Contradict your claims.
- Contaminate the market.
- Contempt for the industry.
- Confess to no one.
The trick is to outsmart the con artist and that is by knowing what to look out for.
We are using ALGAE OIL as an example of how the Con Artists work.
When it comes to Algae Oil, the honest truth is ‘Oils ain’t Oils’
The biggest hurdle for the consumer is working through the quagmire of information and misinformation given to them by manufacturers to lure them into a sale. Every company will tell you their product IS the best, even when they know it is not. Remember, the object of the game is to get a quick sale and move on. Claims made to attract customers may be true, but are more often than not, only partially true.
Here are some things to watch out for when researching an Algae Oil supplement.
Source of Algae: Wild Strain Chromista – Schizochrytrium sp. that is 50%+ its weight in DHA is the microalgae of choice.
Many varying forms and many inferior strains of Algae fall into the Chromista – Schizochrytrium sp. nomenclature and are not necessarily the optimum microalgae for Omega-3 oil. The wild strain is superior because its natural ratio of DHA is extremely high and EPA is very low.
Other strains of Chromista – Schizochrytrium sp. Algae have been modified so that they have a DHA/EPA ratio that is more similar to fish oil. There is no need to adjust the DHA/EPA bcause a higher EPA level does not represent higher health benefits. This modification is not natural and the integrity of the true algae has been interfered with from the start.
Method of Extraction: Solvent free water extraction is by far the best extraction method but equipment and energy costs are very high, limiting commercial viability and interest.
Not all water extraction methods are solvent free and may require further processing to remove chemical contaminants. Some companies heavily refine the oil further with a 2step purification process to remove characteristic odour and taste, also known as stripping which affects the purity and effectiveness of the natural Algae Oil.
Non-GMO: This is the most abused and misleading term applied to Algae Oil. The biotechnology industry has created a genetically engineered, also termed synbio (synthetic biology) Algae Oil, designed to have a high EPA ratio based on a commercial decision by some manufacturers to closely resemble fish oil and market alongside it.
Synbio products are masquerading as natural creations and are misrepresented as Non-GMO products. They are not as nature intended and have been created through genetic engineering modifications meant to attract consumers by offering ‘improvements’. The so-called ‘improvements’ only help with marketing, they do not deliver greater effectiveness or health benefits. These genetically engineered products are largely unregulated, unlabelled and are flying under the radar of the natural products industry. Learn more here
Serving Size: Are the recommended serving sizes sufficient enough to deliver results? One of the biggest issues is, many companies recommend inadequate serving sizes that will not deliver the results the consumer is after, which can be seen as very deceiving.
The reason for this is purely to make their product look the best value when sitting on a shelf. By suggesting smaller serves, it means there will be more serves in a bottle. Therefore, when the product is priced low and has a lot of serves, it will appear to be the best deal, when in fact, you could be wasting your money.
Uncertified Claims: Here’s another trick. Claims such as Vegan Certified are showing up on labels using ‘made up’ logos when the product has not been assessed by Vegan Certified governing bodies. The same sort of thing happens with Made in Europe claims whereby the logo appearing has not been genuinely assigned.
Price: If it’s cheap, that’s because it is and has been created to make more sales not more health.
Price is always reflected on the quality of product. Serving size also is a great factor as it can help with presenting false bargains.

Undoubtably is the best quality and best value for money
megaOmega® is the ONLY genuine, NON-MODIFIED, true to nature, PURE ALGAE OIL that WILL deliver the health benefits and results the consumer is after.
Although megaOmega® may appear more expensive than other products available, once the marketing confusion is eliminated and all of the above points are taken into account, it is the better priced product.