Fertility Issues?

Omega-3 DHA to the Rescue!

There’s good news on the fertility front, particularly with the role Omega-3s may play in enhancing our reproductive potential.
The importance of these essential fatty acids in conceiving and during pregnancy is well recognised.

Research indicates that consumption of a diet rich in Omega-3s, especially DHA, could help improve egg quality and prolong reproductive function into an advanced maternal age.

Not only that, Omega-3 DHA is vital for a man’s sexual health. It is crucially important for men’s reproductive activity as the most common cause of low-quality sperm is Omega-3 DHA deficiency. Men with subfertility or infertility are frequently found to have low levels of Omega-3 DHA.

Without enough DHA, the quality, quantity and swimming ability of sperm is substantially diminished. Therefore, it stands to reason, getting adequate DHA is important to support masculinity and virility – helping to make sure dad is not ‘shooting blanks’ and is producing a fine bunch of ‘good swimmers.’

Once a woman becomes pregnant, Omega-3s continue to be crucial for the health of both mother and child. DHA is required in large amounts during pregnancy for the health of both mother and baby and numerous studies have shown that an adequate intake of Omega-3s reduces the risk of early preterm delivery.

That DHA positively affects the neurodevelopment of the foetus is also very well known

The last trimester of pregnancy has been identified as a critical time for accumulation of DHA in the brain and retina. For this reason, infants born preterm are considered to be at risk for incomplete visual and neurological development if they do not receive enough DHA in the diet.

After birth, it is important that the mother keeps up the Omega-3 levels. This is because breast milk is the source of DHA to her baby and the content of DHA in the milk is dependent on the mother’s intake of these fatty acids.

Needed more than ever to ensure quality of life, the Omega-3s are good fats and DHA is required in large amounts during babies’ first few years and thereafter to support the important cellular changes occurring while the baby develops.

DHA is widely regarded as the most crucial Omega-3 in a child’s early growth phase, being necessary for brain and eye development and is also responsible for learning behaviours as the child continues to grow.

In a study of nearly 500 schoolchildren, parents and teachers found that higher levels of Omega-3 DHA in the blood, were associated with better reading and memory, as well as with fewer behaviour problems.

Learn more:
The Importance of Omega-3 in Children’s Learning and Behavioural Disorders
Behaviour and Learning in Children, Strongly Linked to Omega-3

megaOmega Algae Oil can be included in baby’s daily nourishment routine to promote and support optimum health and development. Mix it into babies’ formula and as bub grows, into juice and food.

Dietary DHA linked to male fertility – University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Fetal and Neonatal Levels of Omega-3: Effects on Neurodevelopment, Nutrition, and Growth – National Library of Medicine